I talk a lot about anti-aging products but I always feel that it's more important what is going on on the inside. No duh, right? But seriously, getting into the grove of better lifestyle choices is far more important and has longer term advantages than any skin cream you can use. The best way to feel better about things is getting into nature. Start by taking a walk a day. Even if its a short one. Around the block. Feel the air on your face and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and imagine the stress and anxiety rolling off your skin like water off a ducks back. For those more adventurous, taking 5 minutes every morning and sitting on the floor or somewhere comfortable, and closing your eyes and meditating or deep breathing even will start to allow the stressful moments in your life not to feel as stressful. I love listening to Pandora and putting on the Deepak Chopra channel as I'm preparing breakfast in the morning for my family. He has wonderful affirmations for one to set an intention for the day. Remember thoughts play an important part of who we are. And how we look. Relaxing your mind will relax your appearance. Simply and beautifully.
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